Looking to Hire?

Need assistance with sourcing and selecting the best candidates that you could possibly hire?

Experience has shown that Proactive Recruiting solutions provide the best results for positions that require a specific and unique career background. Traditional advertising based sourcing techniques can reach the masses and are typically low cost, but they do not work if the specific qualifications that you require are not to be found within the audience. You could continue to fish for a long time and eventually settle with an under-qualified candidate that won’t be able to perform to your expectations. That entire process might ultimately cost your project much more than you would ever be able to calculate.

What if the ideal candidate never even knew that your position was open?
Your ideal candidate was likely occupied with doing their job and not reading job boards or paying much attention to social media posts or the back of industry newsletters where you were advertising your opening…

Opportunity missed?
Not if you had asked a recruiter at CenterNet Search for assistance. That ideal candidate would have been contacted specifically about the position and quickly brought to your attention. Our recruiters know how to find these people through our established industry connections. Our experience allows us to focus directly on the specifics that are important to your position so that the search can be conducted quickly and efficiently.

Do you have an underperforming employee that you need to replace but you simply can’t afford to have the position vacant while trying to hire a new employee?

CenterNet Search can conduct confidential searches and provide you highly qualified candidates to interview prior to any news getting out about your company’s intention to move or terminate the existing employee. This type of transition can be seamless when selecting the replacement employee first.

There is never a charge for contacting a recruiter at CenterNet Search to discuss how we can assist you. Our company has several search options that we will explain to you prior to officially engaging us in a search for your company. You may also request a copy of our standardized menu of fee schedule options to help determine the best option for you. In addition to our company’s extensive contacts, we also have established connections with many of the other recruiters that serve our industry and would be happy to engage them and manage that process for you as well.

We maintain an open-door policy toward anyone that serves in our industry. Feel free to contact us anytime via phone, email, or visit our office in San Diego if you would like to discuss how The CenterNet Search Group can assist you.

We look forward to working with you!


Chris Rollbusch, President
CenterNet Search Group, LLC
600 West Broadway, 7th Floor #211
San Diego, California 92101
Office: (619) 500-4-NET (4638)

Direct Line: (619) 343-2833
Email: Chris@CenterNetSearch.com